Friday, December 28, 2007

Still waiting...

Merry Christmas to all! Such a hectic season, and I don't know where all the time goes. It seems like December just started, and now Christmas is practically over. But in between, I did have time for reflection and wonder, that the God of all the universe would come to our world as a vulnerable, dependent little baby. When did He know that He would suffer and die on a cross? Did the thought that He had come to bring salvation to this world bring Him joy when He was a child?

I didn't get Christmas cards out this year, but a big thanks to everyone who sent me one. Maybe I'll be more organized ('cause I won't be less busy) next year.

Still waiting for my car, nearly a month later...

Saturday, December 01, 2007

It's Alive!

They say that everyone will have, on average, one major accident in their lifetime. If that's true, I hope this is it, because it wasn't that bad. A bother to deal with, but no injury or loss. And that's something to be very thankful for. I have been blessed by much encouragement and support from friends and family. And that ends my acceptance speech.

So here's what happened... A dark (and not stormy) night... I was stopped in the midst of a right turn, and a big green monster (an F350) scrunched into the back left corner of my car. $6,000 worth of repairs, a write-off scare, and I should have my car back in about a week. So much for that new CRV that I couldn't afford anyway.

My poor sick little green bug!