Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cool kitty

I know we can't complain about a 3-day heat wave, when much of the rest of the continent is suffering worse than we are. But in typical Vancouver fashion, even this weather extreme is much-discussed, analysed, emphasized, and sensationalized. And it does provide some interesting challenges. What do you do with a black cat who insists on sitting as close to a sunbeam as possible, without actually baking? Especially when his sister is smart enough to find the coolest spots in the house? Yesterday during the hottest part of the day she even sprawled herself in front of the fan (about three feet away, mind you) to stay cool. Well, I've discovered something new. My brush-adoring kitty also seems to like a damp cloth to cool his overheated fur. Maybe I'll have to try a wool vest in winter. Or would studded leather suit him better? I'm open to suggestions. Just no bonnets, please.

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Colleen said...

I find it funny yet interesting that you are open to studded leather but closed to bonnets. Maybe I don't know you as well as I thought I did.

Unknown said...

Ha ha! But you see, it's not my opinion that counts in this matter. It's Mr. Knightley that approves (or not) of his wardrobe options, and I don't see him loving the idea of wearing a bonnet.

Colleen said...

Perhaps a top hat?

Claire Colvin said...

Monica, you're brilliant! All week-end my own little ball of fur has lain listless, at times so still I checked to see that she was still breathing regularly. I kept wondering what I could do to help. I knew a cool bath technically would improve the effects of a very thick fur coat, but I doubted she'd ever forgive me. I never considered a damp cloth. Now I know :)

Unknown said...

Colleengirl - a top hat sounds great! He could even carry a baton (or stick, or cane, or whatever) in his mouth. This reminds me - have you ever seen a book about dancing with cats? Keep you eyes open for it. I couldn't believe it the first time I saw it, and I'm still marvelling at what people get their cats to do.

...loon (you don't mind if I call you loon for short? Ok, just not to your face), thanks for stopping by. I give your chances of having this work with Gandalf about 50:50. Or at least that's how the statistics have worked in this household. If I had more cats, I could refine the stats further. Maybe draw a graph. Maybe start my own line of kitty cooling cloths.

Ok, I got carried away on the cool breeze coming through my window.

Colleen said...

I thought you were pulling my leg at first ... (yank) but now I see you are serious. Dancing, eh? Well, I've seen the book on art by cats. Quite something. But dancing would be funny. The top hat and cane would fit in perfectly.

(An aside: instead of writing "cane" I initially typed "acne" much to my chagrin and amusement.)